Biomaker Challenge 2021/22: 

How to Submit a Project


1. Assemble a Team

Put together a team interested in submitting a project under one this year’s themes (see below). Remember that interdisciplinary teams with members from diverse fields (e.g. a mix of biologists and engineers) will be favoured during selection. Make sure you have read the call details, eligibility criteria, judging criteria and code of conduct before applying, and that your team is eligible to apply, and is happy with the requirements.

2021/22 Themes:

  • Sensors, field communication and machine learning for environmental survey and monitoring.

  • Measurement and control of plant growth in science, agriculture and gardening.

  • Electronic and biological sensors for management of soil health.


2. Roughly Define a Project of Interest

Decide on your project and draft out the following information:

  • Project Title

    Keep it short and descriptive

  • Elevator Pitch (max 140 characters)

    Describe your project briefly.

  • Cover Photo

    This is required when uploading your project to Hackster. Image will be cropped to 4:3 format. 900x450px or higher recommended.

  • Story (max 500 words)

    Give us some more detail about your proposal.

    What is the problem you are addressing? What will you build? What are the aims of the project? What are the proposed benefits and how will they help solve your problem?

    Please include a sentence to describe how you are affiliated with our partners (University of Cambridge, John Innes Centre, Earlham Institute, Signals in the Soil Programme).

  • Attachments

    Are there any further details/information/files you would present with your application?

3. Sign up for a Hackster Account

Each team member will need to create a Hackster account so that they can contribute to the project.

Navigate to the Hackster homepage and click the ‘Sign up’ button in the top right hand corner.

Enter your details in the pop-up sign up box and click ‘Join Hackster’.


4. Create a Hackster Project and Enter Information

Once you’ve signed in you should see a ‘+’ symbol in the top right corner - click this to start a new project.

On the first page, enter your project title, elevator pitch and a cover image (see above). Click ‘Continue’.

You should now see the project editing home screen.

Click on the ‘Team’ tab and add your team mates (this is easiest if you know their usernames).

Next, click on the ‘Story’ tab and enter your story (remember to think about the questions above and explain your affiliation with our partners).

Click ‘Save Changes’ then ‘Go to project’.

Click on ‘Publication settings

Edit the following settings:

  • Select 'I am documenting how I built a project’ and ‘I am still working on my project'

  • Add some relevant tags

  • Select a difficulty level

  • Select a licence type - this must be an open licence. We suggest CC BY-SA or CC BY-NC-SA, but you can chose another open licence.

  • Select ‘Discoverable in the search and on platform hubs

Click ‘Save Changes’.

You have now uploaded your project. To complete your application you will need to submit this project to the Biomaker Hub (see below).

Only one member of your team needs to submit the project.

5. Submit your Project to the Biomaker Hub

Go to the Biomaker Hackster Hub.

Click ‘Submit a project’.

Search for your project name and click ‘Add project’.

You have now submitted your project to Hackster. To confirm your submission, please send an email to including contact details (email addresses) for your team members.



6. Confirmation and Approval

Once you have submitted your project you will receive a confirmation email from the Biomaker Team within 2 days. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 2 days please contact us at